P4114 Adjustment Cost Issue


To the expert,
When do inventory adjustment thru P4114 for doc type IC, the item 07 cost pick up is different from F4105 for certain items. Once the adjustment done, F4111 also captured the wrong cost.
Any idea what could went wrong ?

check the item branch cost code file f4102 for that item to make sure it is setup as 07 (weighted avg cost)
Hi Vince,
Do you mind to point me which field you refer in F4102 ?
The item for particular branch is exist in F4102 and also F4105.

Could be a couple of reasons.=C2=A0 You may be using a different cost type than what you think you are using.=C2=A0 Perhaps the amount in F4105 was ch anged after the transaction had happened, and you don't realize/know a chan ge happened, so what looks wrong now may have been right at the time.=C2=A0 Heck,you might have even run across a programming error.=C2=A0 You have to be a detective and slowly walk through all the possibilities.
John Dickey
No issue with the setup. I suspect it was cause by record locked. Not proper clear the lock/screen and continue with different item entry in previous locks item position, it cause the cost pick up wrongly.

Anyway, thanks to eveyone.
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