Obtain a listing of users with access to various menu selections


Hello all,

I'm new to JD Edwards and the System i platform.

I would like to know the best way to go about getting a listing of users (in text/csv format) that have access to various menu selections.

For instance, I want a listing of users with access to Screen 1051 - Address Book revisions.

How do I go about this.

Thanks in advance,


If you want something that is 75% correct then you can query the F0092 table to look at user's initial menus. However if you want it 90% correct then you need a far more complicated query to link the initial menus to any accessible child menus. If you want it 100% correct so it also looks at the security applied via action code, function keys, menu masking etc etc then you need a tool. I have a tool that is installable in half an hour and can give 100% results - if you have a client who is interested.
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