E9.2 NER and BSFN Debugging With Visual Studio 2013


Well Known Member
Hi All,

I am attempting to debug...it doesn't matter if it's a NER or BSFN, I get an error displayed in the attachment. I will outline my steps...

1. Open\Run VS 2013
2. Once VS is open --- > File --- > Open --- > Project\Solution --- > C:\E920\system\bin32 --- > ActivConsole --- > Below Screen


3. File --- > Open --- > File --- > C:\E920\DV920\include\B??????.c or N???????.c
4. I place my breakpoint

5. Click 1620396013853.png can't do anything after this point. If I click Continue it will just cycle back to this same screen, if i click Break it takes me out of this screen. See last screen...


Any insight?

Thanks in advance,


  • 1620398836171.png
    134.4 KB · Views: 11
Make sure to build the BSFNs you want to debug in OMW. This will build it with the necessary symbol/debug info needed by the debugger.

There are several ways do debug in VS. I have a slightly different process than most. The one that most people probably do is to first launch activeConsole.exe like you normally would, then open the BSFN source in VS and then attach to the activeConsole.exe process (Debug | Attach to Process).
Sorry for the delay in response....I had to do a compatibility conversion in order for mine to work.
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