Migrate Data from B7332 to XE


Active Member
Dear Friends

We had One World B7332 on Win NT 4.0 with SQL 7.

We plan to Install One world XE on a new server with totally windows 2000 platform and SQL 7.0.

We have a lot of Bugs and problem in the OLD system B7332 and specially in the SQL 7 tables because Consultant almost troubleshoot the application thought SQL Server level

So we decide to open the Balance manually on July on the new system XE and create additional Environment rather than the production Environment on the XE and migrate the Data from B7322 to this Environment just for the historical data and leave the production Environment empty for new entry from July

So I need your advice for this action and will this action will affect the production environment since the production Environment share some objects with this Additional historical data Environment

Please I need your advice
I have completed a migration from B7332 to ERP8 for our Development environment. In order to simulate our production environment migration, we refreshed all prod data to dev before the upgrade.
I have very few problems with the upgrade.
The migation keeps the same JDE_Development data base, so you can not have the same environment existing in both releases at the same time. Before you start your migration, make sure you have your migation environment set up to be totaly independent of production.
You should also set up a temp environment with the same pathcode and data sources as the environment your are migrating. The upgrade manual describes pretty much what you need to do.

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