Memory Leakage Problem with UBE’s


Well Known Member
Hello List,
we have a memory leake problem with UBE calling a BSFN in a loop. The problem is decribed in the attached doc.
When calling a BSFN with a big DSTR in a loop (ER in UBE) the memory usage is permanently rising. Coding the same in an APPL resuls a constant memeory usage. If we put the code (containg the loop and BSFN-Call) into a NER which is calle by an UBE, we gotconstant memory usage.
Suggestion: Pehaps a Buf in the UBE Enginge (?) - it seens that it not frees the memory allocated for the BSFN-DSTR after calling the BSFN.
Has anybody found the same Problem or solved it?



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Could you specify your version, service pack level and OS version?

Also, have you tried the test, passing a space in each variable?

OneWorld possibly assigns a temporary memory buffer to the variables that are not passed to the BSFN, in case the BSFN wants to pass back values in it. Passing a value would slightly change this process (as the value that you are passing would be padded with blanks starting from SP16 or so).

I wonder if you would get the same results.

Let us know!

Sorry for the obvious question, but have you tried the UBE on a different workstation?

For my part I created the UBE in DemoJunior B9 to see if I could emulate the problem. I let it run for a while, no particular problems, didn't crash. In fact, it's still running now as I type. The CPU is at 100% or thereabouts the whole time.

Notably, the lpDS has the same memory address each time the BSFN is called.

If Sebastien is correct and it is a SP issue, but upgrading is not an immediate option, perhaps freeing the memory each time using B4000460.c FreePtrToDataStructure might work? You could pass it the address of the lpDS.

Hope that helps and you get it sorted,
Re: Memory Leakage Problem with UBE’s - OW Version

sorry I forgot the versin information:
OneWorld B7334 SP22 N1
Server OS: AIX
Report was running on FatClient: Win2000, latest SpervicePacks

We are now testing the report running on the server and running on a Standalone version of B7334.

Thank you.

Hello Ash,
we have the Problems with B7334 SP22N1. We tested the probelm on different clients with different businesfunctions and always got the same problem. In the special case where we found the Problem (importing an ASCII-File, size 165MB), freeing the data structure is a solution, but our suggestion is, calling BSFNs may genreally not free the memory, so we would be forced to analyse every UBE handeling large data by acalling a BSFN.
Thank you,
Re: Memory Leakage Problem with UBE’s - Server test same problem

Hi List,
we finished our Server-Test (AIX) an got the same Problem. We now verify the dependency between mem usage and size of hte DSTR.
Re: Memory Leakage Problem with UBE’s - More Information

Hi List we finished more Tests on FatClients,
and found out:
1. Per call 130 bytes are allocated and not released, it does not depend on the size of the DSTR!
2. If we kill the UBE-process memory is released, if the report is ended normally, the memory remains allocated.

Re: Memory Leakage Problem with UBE’s - Service Pack 22 probelm?

Hi List,
we guess the problem reported has been shipped with the changes in SP 22 -> Update Report Flag.
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