Media Objects/OCX Files since Windows 10 Update



I'm looking for some help in relation to the recent Microsoft update to Windows 10 Creators Edition (1703)...

Since a number of our users have installed this update, the media objects are no longer working. So, we re-registered the required OCX files and although they are loaded with IE11 the media object and the export to word/excel, is no longer working with similar symptoms of not having the OCX files registered.

So I'm hoping that someone may be able to help with this issue at all?

Thanks in advance.
I don't know about that version, we have windows 10 enterprise edition. so wondering this can be a show stopper for us as well. Does this update automatically applied like other windows update or there is separate process for that?

What exactly not working ? do you see the button export to excel? or when you click nothing happens?

Try reset IE11 setting by going to internet options, advanced and restart and see or you can also delete the old ocx and it will popup again to install ocx when you click continue may help.


We have come across this as well. We have a lot of users on windows 10 so, fortunately, I saw TGH's post and ran it up the flag pole and did some research on Oracle Support. Doc ID 2256987.1) lays it out pretty definitively. We are seeing applications just hang with "processing" when you click Find on a test machine. We didn't even bother with exporting at that point. Yes, it is just a typical windows update. We are going to test win 10 updates from now on and prevent any that cause problems from installing.

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