Losing connection to ODBC


I have JDE Version B7333 SP15 & SQL Server 2000

I have numerous MS Access queries setup that have JDE tables linked through ODBC - these queries have worked without fail for a few years

In the last week, several queries have lost the connection to the various JDE tables, and I have had to manually recreate the link. It works fine after I do this, but is a bit of a pain

I know this may not be a JDE issues, but there are no errors in the event log on the server and no network issues that would cause MS Access to start acting this way

Has anyone ever seen this before?


I have seen this before where another user has opened the .mdb file using a different version of Access or different versions of the ODBC-drivers (MDAC).

Cheers, Nick
Thanks Nick - it happened for a few days about six weeks ago and hasn't happened since - I'll chalk it down to what you said.
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