job queue long delay


all of a sudden, every weekday at about 14:45 which is when we have a lot of work, a long job queue (over 100 jobs on status WAITING) is created and the jobs are process VERY SLOWLY compared to normal. it is worth noting that in the morning we usually have a lot more work but with no delay.

The specific jobs queue are WMS AND QBATCH (DEFAULT) job queue. The reports running on these queues are: R46171 AND R42750.

looking at the enterprise log, nothing suspicious except the following issues that are being repeated (not sure if this has anything to do with delay):
1. 15:43:10.744133 queueknl.c987
QUEUE00600072-Job ENTERPRISE_6014_QBATCH_R42750_M02_5668543_PDF not found in F986110 - removing from Waitlist.

2.19017/-165300528 WRK:Starting jdeCallObject Thu Oct 11 15:43:00.339457 queueapi.c197
QUEUE04950060-Fetch failed for _01_6014 in F986130

Any suggestions on what is going wrong at this time?

Thank you in advance..
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