JDEB7334 subsystem pool allocation



I am looking for real world experience on where you have your JDE and JDEB7334 subsystems allocated to system storage pools. Currently ours is in *BASE and I would like to know what others have done. We are running JDE oneworld on a 570 iSeries.
While i have kept the actual subsystem job running in *BASE, i did create a shared memory pool and have all the subsystem jobs like JDENET_K running in it's own pool. First you need to create a new shared pool, then add that pool to the subsystem description, then use CHGRTGE command to change the Storage pool identifier for the subsystem so that all the jobs it's runs will be run in that new pool. I can't remember all the specifics but they can be found on most of the Oneworld Performance documents out there.
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