maarten westera

maarten westera

Active Member
all of a suddden this week the ube queue stops after a few jobs have processed. been tetsing it all night and on the hole it works but when all users are logged in suddenly jobs will stop processeing and jobs will sit waiting or in In QUEUE but not processing - only restarting the service gets it going again - can anyone help

Any messages on the logs?
By the way, your configuration is no longer supported
by JDE so you should thinking about a mass upgrade
(Operating System, Service Pack level, IIS and Websphere)

you are not supported as far as your web server goes, but the rest should be OK. This issue is at the enterprise / batch server once the jobs have been submitted by users so the web server part can probably be ignored.

We had a similar issue at a customer of ours where jobs would be processing normally and then everything would stop. Like you at night (scheduler - no issue).

It took some investigating but since I have secured out the delete button on WSJ we do not have this issue any more.

My theory has been that the users do not know the difference between terminate and delete and had been deleting processing jobs from WSJ. This left the server in a quandry in that it no longer had a record in the database to update when the job finished. This effectively hung the server.

Try removing the permission to the delete button and see if that helps.
Hi terry

nice to hear from you glad you still playing about in the ERP world JDE support went down hill drassically when you left there

the users here never delete or terminate jobs themselves so that's not the issue

only me does that and i never delete processing jobs unless i am sure they have fallen over

We just had this same thing happen on an E812, TR 8.96.F1, Oracle 10G R2, Windows 2003 implementation. We have about 120 active users. It has only happened once, and from what I can tell our Queue Kernel just died. All jobs went into a waiting status and would not process. We restarted services and haven't had any issues since last week.

I may try the delete button security as well.

I agree that you need to send some logs of the jobs that are processing when they go into wait state.

I'm an AS/400 person so these may not apply to you, but here are some weird ones that we have experienced:
1) Too many file members in the PRINTQUEUE table
2) Only 1 instance of R083800 can run at a time, if two get out the system locks up and yes, has to be rebooted.
3) someone trying to deploy a package to the server with OW ubes active
4) Disk full - i hate journals and journal receivers.
5) 1 particular job taking up too many resources - like disk, making the system seem like it's not moving - new version? any program updates/packages applied?
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