JDE Object Browser 1.3

Hi John,

Funny you brought this up. I was recently in need of a way to identify all custom objects referenced in a set of applications. Not just the top level but exploring each object and so on. So I played around with an Explode feature. It produces a CSV with rows containing the parent object, system code, child object, system code

So, if you exploded P01012:


You'd be amazed how far reaching the references go as form and report interconnects create a tangled web. If you or anyone is interested in helping this feature along, let me know. I'd like to hear ideas on how to control the process. Like maybe options to ignore interconnects, or something like that.

Hi Craig,

If you need any kind of community based help ( like bug fixing, developing new feature etc), I am ready ! I hope the product is freeware and written in Microsoft .NET.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm gonna stick with the C++ coding for now. If you have any ideas or feedback about this specific feature, I'd appreciate the input.

Hi Craig,

It's great that's you're looking at it. It's so useful as it stands but a few more exploded nests would be great. I was after a way of exporting what we see out to CSV for analysis.

As for the levels and how deep they go, I've no idea how to control that only to suggest a limit on the levels, like say 6 deep. anything else you manually have to go in there.
Hi, i am jimmy ,We just added a user interface update a bunch of people have asked for. You can now create horizontal tab groups of objects you currently have open. Thank every one .
Hi , i am jimmy ,very happy found this forum right now .I have also found the solution to my command line issue. You need to make sure there are no spaces between the flag and it's argument. So in my example it should be written as:

ObjectBrowser.exe -uJDE -p123 -eDV900 -oP4210
i think every one should try try this .
Hello again dear Objectbrowser Team,

this time ai have a bit of a complicated question
can you guide me on how to debug a C BSFN using Visual Studio

I know I know, it's a big question, but i wish there is a simple steps to follow.

I read the Oracle documentation but it still confuses me a lot.

any help :)

Debugging from Object Browser is really no different than debugging from ActivConsole.

Compile the BSFN with Debug enabled.
Edit the BSFN from OMW and launch Visual Studio
Run Object Browser (if it's not already)
From the VS Debug menu, choose Attach To Process and select ObjectBrowser.exe
Set your breakpoint(s)
Execute the function from Object Browser

Craig, ran into a funny situation with Object Browser today. It seems like Object Browser's "Browse Data" function for a table isn't always in synch with SQL. The UBE I have runs this way:

Before Processing, set all records in the custom table to Inactive (I update EV01='N')
During Processing, every row that was selected and successfully processed is set to Active (insert or update as EV01='Y')

While performing some testing, I wanted to set an account to Inactive that was formerly active. The design should allow for this, since it wouldn't be picked up by the data selection for the UBE and left at Inactive after the update before processing. I made this change with Oracle SQL Developer. After re-running the UBE, Object Browser correctly shows that the record was not reset to Active. It exists in the extract in an Inactive state. This is good.

The weird thing is when I try to flip it back. I set the relevant field so the Data Selection will select the record again. Using Object Browser, I watch as all my Inactive (EV01=N) columns become Active (EV01=Y) during processing. Upon completion, the record I flipped is back in Active status again when using the Browse Data tool in Object Browser. The weird part is that for some reason, SQL does not show this change. It still shows as 'N' as if the job didn't run. I did this a couple times, still the same effect. When I use 'UTB' through Edwards, it shows the Inactive status as well.

Now this could be just strangeness on my end, but is there any difference between what Object Browser uses to browse table data and SQL or UTB? What could be the issue between the two not agreeing?

Thanks for answering this question.
Hi Craig, thank you for the wonderful tool. Appreciate the time and effort you have put into it. Just wanted to know if there is a way to export table data (or) DD item properties through Object Browser command line.
Hi Craig,

Enhancement request: Can you add the required attribute to the Form control export (CSV)?
Hi Craig,

Can you add the object id and required attributes to the Grid Control export as well? Thanks in advance!
Hi Craig,

Enhancement requests:

1) Not sure if this has been asked before. When navigating the tree view for an object (appl or UBE specifically), with a keyboard (up down side arrows), the focus moves out of the tree view. It would be nice if the focus stayed on the tree view.
2) This is a big one: ability to search for items in the tree view and filter it by search criteria.

Thanks Hari, I'll be working on retooling Object Browser with VS 2017 and 64 bit support. These will go on the list.

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