JDE Metadata in Createform Issue

JDE User11

Active Member
We are getting mixed results in our forms when a job is run locally on a thick client and when it runs on the server.

Under the input tree in designer we see the aliases for the fields on the PDF. When the job runs locally the name under property tree has the value of description 02. When it runs on the server that value is missing. It is interesting to note that the name value is missing in both places for the description 1 field. Please see attachment for screen shot of the Createform designer.

Does anyone have an idea why we are getting different results when the job executes in a different location?

We are JDE 8.10. SQL server 2003 and Createform
Two reasons that I can think of;
- Different versions of CformDesigner. Check the full version number under Help>About.

- Different JDE PDF input files. This is most likely the cause of what you're seeing.

Have you (or a programmer) been making changes in RDA? The CformDesigner project is tied very tightly to the metadata in the JDEPDF. When a metadata variable has no name the Cform variable is named Alias_ItemID. If the metadata variable subsequently is given a name the Cform variable name changes to Name_ItemID.

Hope this helps -

Thanks for your response!

The program hasn't changed recently. I guess it's possible we applied an update and the local machine and the server got out of sync sometime in the past. We are going to build the object and see if that resolves the issue.

There are a number of fields that don't contain the description for the data item when the job is run on the server. This is also the case with other pdfs produced on the server. Is that going to be a problem?

If we just use the jobs run on the server and plan to run them there then we can get around the difference between running locally and on the server. I'm just concerned with the impact the missing names might have in Createform. Any opinion?
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