Java Head Dump files




We made a batch file and put it in the windows scheduler to run daily on our server to delete the headdump files. This isnt that great of a help, but lots of little things make up the whole..

Heres how:

Create a text file in notepad and paste this in..

REM OPEN - 'Your name here' - 'date'
REM This is a batch file that will delete Java Headdump files for 'company and locations'
REM CLOSE - 'Your name here' - 'date'

DEL /F /Q "PATH"\heapdump.*.phd
DEL /F /Q "PATH"\heapdump.*.phd
DEL /F /Q "PATH"\heapdump.*.phd
Replace "PATH" with your directory path eg: c:\windows
NOTICE we have 3 lines, because we have three locations to delete from. The /F is to force the Delete and the /Q is to do it quietly, ie not prompt are you sure you want to delete. REM is to make comments that wont affect the file. (Paper Trails..)

Then save the file as Headdump.BAT

Then open up task scheduler and point to the file and let it know when to run.

Let me know if you have any questions.
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