JAS logon error ERP8 HTML


In our system every day after 6:00 p.m. we have this message: "JAS LOGON ERROR" when a user try to logon into the system. We are in B7334_I1 SP22 with Websphere 4.05 on AS400 V5R2. we solve this issue with a restart of websphere service on the webserver.
How can I prevent this situation?
Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you might have an automated process kicking off each day that is dropping your database connection. Do you have a backup that is scheduled at or around that time?
thank you for your suggestion but it isn't the solution. I did not say that the people already logged into the system have no issue to use the system. It is just a logon issue.
What do your JAS and WAS logs say? How many people are connected to the server at the time that it gives you the error? Are there any errors in your system/server logs?
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