Installing ServicePack 23 Question


Hi all,
I´m Installing SP23_R1, I read SP Install Instruction pdf, and download .PAR File, But When I extract It to Install at Deployment Server, I don´t see any .exe to install
You can rename the ".par" to a ".zip" and use an uncompression tool to extract the files. If you don't see anything, then perhaps your .PAR didn't download correctly ?
You are missing some steps in the instructions. It has been awhile since we laid down a service pack but I remember copying or renaming the SYSTEM and SYSTEMCOMP folders and extracting the contents of the PAR file into a new SYSTEM folder. We then created, built and compressed a Foundation Only package. The process created a new CAB file in a new SYSTEMCOMP folder.

We did something similar for the Enterprise server but we did not have to build a package. It was ready to go right after the extract.

Whatever you do, do not skip over steps when upgrading your foundation. Test your critical systems immediately and ALWAYS have a quick way to go back if something goes wrong. Restoring from copied or renamed folders is a lot faster than restoring from tape.
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