How to rectify a batch in error?


We have run into an issue, what I think should be an easy fix, but cannot figure out how to fix it.

We are trying to void a journal entry, however an account in the journal entry has since been changed. Therefore our 'void' is appearing as an unposted batch in error.

I know the error is being caused by the row trying to post to an account code which no-longer exists, however I can't seem to change the account coding in the journal entry (it is hard coded) to an active account.

I have tried to add a new account with the same account code it is trying to post to, however this is not correcting the problem.

Any suggestions? Is there a way to reverse the journal entry in error to allow me to edit it? Or to delete the unposted batch in error and I can do a new manual JE instead of a void?

Thank you for your help!
Did you try revising the batch status to "pending" and then deleting the batch.
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