how to find out what user is online using JDE ?


Well Known Member
We are E9.0 based installation. Our users are located in three states in the US and in mexico. All users connect to the HQ location where all the hardware sits.

We utilize citrix netscaler for load balancing among 20 JVMs.

Question: How can I identify what location the user is coming from ? Since we are load balnaced, the server manager lists the netscaler IP address instead of the user's workstation. I thought to change the userID schema by placing a prefix to the userID to help determine the user's location was one thought but that idea did get approved by mgmt :)

Each location has its own unique IP address scheme, I was hoping to leverage that but with the use of citrix netscaler, that option didn't work out.

Any suggestions/ideas to go about accomplishing this?. Is there a setting/configuration within netscaler's admin panel to see the original client IP address?

Hi Jay!

I've seen the same behavior from behind a Cisco ACE load balancer. I believe there is a way to configure the load balancer to pass through the original IP address of the client PC. I suggest talking to your network admin to see if that option is available with the Netscaler.

David Scheeff

p.s. Maybe someone on jdelist already knows?
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