How to determine which Pay Codes are caluclated in Box 14 for Canadian Payroll T4's


Well Known Member
Hi All,

Now that the T4 season has come and gone again for another year, my payroll team has asked if I can produce a report that shows which of their paycodes are mapped to Box 14 on the Canadian T4.

I know where to find the information for the Special handling boxes

My issue is trying to determine which codes are to be included with Box 14

So far in my invesitgation I have found if I meet any one of these criteria, then the pay code is not included
1) If F069116.CHCK = 1, 4 (Non-Taxable)
2) If F069116.NMTH(Effect on the GL) = H (hours Only) or Y ($'s only)
3) IF F069116.NMTH = M (No Effect) and F069116.CHCK = BLANK
4) IF F069116.TT01 = * (how would we query this as the asterisk is a wildcard)
5) IF F069116.TT01 or TT02 or TT03 or TT04 = 'CB' - Canadian Pension Plan -EE or 'CE' - Canadian Pension Plan - ER

Is there a business function that I can look at for the logic so that I can make sure that I use the same requirements.

I am hoping that there is a much easier way of doing this and I just can't see it

Anyone able to help?

I am sure that E1 has a proper method of determining which codes get included in Box 14 of our Canadian T4 - does anyone know of a business function or the logic behind how it is determined that the code is expected to be included in the calculation?

I have tried going from the end (T4) back to the data but have not been successful in determining exactly how the report knows which codes are used.

I am sure the logic is buried deep in some business function that I haven't located yet

Any help would be appreciated.

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