How can I prevent THOUSANDS of PDF files from being created in PRINTQUEUE dir?



Well Known Member
I noticed that there are thousands of .pdf files in the PrintQueue directory of each of my terminal server / citrix servers. I deleted over 40 thousand .pdf's on Friday. I am assuming that when a user views a job's .pdf while logged into a thin client, a copy of the .pdf is transferred from the application server to the PrintQueue directory of the terminal server, same functionality as the fat client.

I want to know if there is a way, via OneWorld /Citrix setting or in the registry, to turn off the copying / saving of .pdf's to the PrintQueue directory?
No. Theres no way to put the PDF files in a different location. However, what you might want to do is create a batch job that runs in your NT Scheduler (Win AT) that deletes all .PDF files in the PrintQueue directory every night.

This is what we do to help with what sounds like the same problem:

In the jde.ini file for the terminal server users, customize the output directory to one central location. We have this set up the same for all users, so their local printqueue is stored in one place on a separate server. This makes it easy for me to manage and also prevents duplicate copies of the same report existing on each terminal server the user views the report from.

We remove the most common reports such as orders and PO's regularly. This helps keep the number of files in the printqueue down to a manageable level.

Here is the jde.ini file setting:


You will have to substitue servername\TSPrintqueue with your own shared directory path.

This does not prevent the files from being created, but it does help us manage them.

We had the same problem. We tackled it by adding an entry to the jde.ini file


We then created a folder on a network file server and mapped this via Active Directory or Logon Scripts.

We then created a logon script which clears all pdf and csv files older than 30 days.

Works pretty well for us.

Kind Regards
I just run this command nightly. It'll delete any files in that directory older than the number of days you specify:

forfiles /p C:\e810\PrintQueue\ /d -30 /c "CMD /C del @FILE"

Where /d specifies the number of days.
We are looking at doing exactly what you mentioned in this post. Could you share your script? Thanks.

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