Help on Data Refresh - CRP with PROD data !


Active Member
Could someone please help me with instructions on How to refresh CRP data with PROD data. Your help would be highly appreciated. Thank you

XE, WIN NT, SQL 2000
R98403|XJDE0021 and XJDE0022 is one method. Be careful though - you have to set the processing options up correctly or you can really screw stuff up quick.
There is a thread from several years ago which I helped with on here that talks about the different types of database and the different recommendations for refreshing CRP with PROD data.

Best to do some research using the "search" button.
Hi RaghuBabu,

All depends on your requirements.
I recently managed a PD to CRP copy on XE, where there were no needs for historical data, so the duration time and the required table space was 50% in the copied CRP vs the sourcece PROD (on XE)

Regards, Zoltán
Thank you guys for all your help.
I will post the status as it is done. Thanks again.

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