GL Issue Question


Active Member
Hi guys.... I am a technical OWXE guy so please bear with me as I aska functional question.

I am at a client who is having trouble with Item Ledger /Account integrity. When running the R41543 (Item Ledger /Account Integrity, all of our Account Ledger values come back as zero and we always have a variance equal to the total amount in the Cardex. When investigating, it seems all of their GL dollar amounts (both positive and negative) are going to the same OBJ but different MCUs. So when this report totals up the Account Ledger column, it brings back a value of zero. Any help on where else to go with this issue (setup error??) would be greatly appreciated.


OW XE SP 19 NT2000 SQL 2000
HI Patrick,

Have you set up 41/IN ?
Also, you can refer to the white paper on R41543 on the KG.
There is a similar mail on the forum titled ( S&D :Integrity issues) posted by me and the reply from Craig might be helpful. You may view the same on this forum itself.
Would surely be interested in going into further details if all this doesnt help.

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