Get The Time of a printed Report


Hi All,

I'm trying to export a report that I have into a CSV file, and I want to have the same name that I have when I run the report on the CSV file name.

I'm doing a Get audit info to get the date and the time but I'm not getting the correctly time, look at the example:

PDF: R574211F_GSM001_D1140128_T151455394.pdf
CSV: R574211F_GSM001_D1140128_T151457.csv

It's like I miss the tenths and hundredths of the time, from where can I get them?

The variable that I 'm using on the get audit info (time) is of 9 character length.

The Get Audit BSFN returns [TME0] a math numeric of length 6. Therefore you get the correct time from it.
Try to use the csv time filename T151457 for further processing, that is ignore the pdf's T151455394, or truncate it to T151457.
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