F4115 - Item History File Rebuild


Does anyone know of a program in JDE that can be used to rebuild the Item History file (F4115)?

Tanya Hines
World A73 cum 11

From what I can gather, it seems no provision is made for retroactive
changes to such history files!

The KG 'Changing Item Primary Unit of Measure' document highlights:

"J.D. Edwards does not provide any programs to make retroactive changes to
history or ledger files. You
can correct the records using a data file utility, but remember that this is
prone to error. You can also
use an RPG program or World Writer to replace the data. Another option is to
correct the most recent
history records and modify reporting to exclude data older than a cut-off
date. Management should
carefully evaluate the trade-offs involved in dealing with history that
contains invalid quantities, units of
measure, or amounts."


Sorry it's not much help!

Ian Wrentmore
TotalFinaElf UK
To the best of my knowledge there is no program to do that. If you were going
to write something you would have to look for all of the programs that use
X4115 and mimic the process. You may be able to write something using the
CARDEX as your source.

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