EnterpriseOne 10/11 migration


Hi everyone!
Does any know what is the lowest version that can be migrated to EnterpriseOne 10 and 11?

we have been working with B7331 since a long time and we have plans to upgrade until now

Can somebody share a migration manual for EnterpriseOne 8.10/11 SQLServer?

I don't believe you can go straight to E810 or E811 from B7331. You will probably have to upgrade to XE first.

Thanks, what I undaerstand is that to B7331 has to be migrated to B7332 and then to Xe.

What I don't know is if I have to migrate to Xe first or if I can go straight from B7332 to 8.10 or 8.11.

The upgarde path for B7331 to 8.10/8.11 would be

B7331 to Xe


Xe to 8.10/8.11

Have a look at Solution ID 200805651 & 200949815 for more clarity on this topic
I Just completed a b7332 to 8.10 for a client...had to go to erp 8 first...don't need to do full upgrade to erp 8(or xe)but did need another server and database temporarily for the (xe or erp 8) then went directly from there to 8.10... I'd be happy to help...pm me if interested.
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