Email OneWorld report


Active Member
Is there an easy way to automatically email a OneWorld PDF report? I have been searching everywhere for a solution and it seems the only way possible is to purchase a third party product like CreateForm or FormScape. The JDEtips web site has an article on how to perform this task, but since I don't subscribe, I can't view the article. I don't even know if the article will show me what I'm looking for. Our enterprise server is an AS/400 and can email any report from an OUTQ in PDF format, but I can't get these OneWorld reports emailed. I also found an old link in JDELIST, but it refers to creating some custom code in OneWorld. Since I'm not a developer, It's not much help either. I thought I would give JDELIST one more try before giving up on this task.

Please append your system information to the bottom of your config... so that we might know you better.

By default - if you are on an AS/400, there is no way to email a pdf. HOWEVER - there are ways to accomplish, if you are familiar with the green screen programs and such.

A year ago I created a few hacks - that called a CL, passing the report info, and manually attached/emailed the PDF via greenscreen SMTP commands. It was the only way I could figure to do it. The client has, since, gone back to World (lucky them) and has a native solution for emailing green from the 400.

I can resurect some of my scripts - if your team think they can make some headway with them.


I don't understand why you're not seeing my system information, but it's listed at the end of my post. I would defnitely like to see how you implemented your solution. I'm very familiar with the World side of things, I just can't change or develop code on the OneWorld side. We are currently sending/email reports from the World side so maybe we could take advandage of your solution.
So far I've developed the following, but I have to think there is a better way. I have a script running on a FAT client that calls the UBECOMMANDER application from Pastuhov. Once the UBE completes, I email the PDF from the printqueue folder as an attachment using a SMTP component installed on the FAT client. I don't like running this from the FAT client because I can't guarantee it will always be running.
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