E9 - Calling an interactive application from a NER BSFN


Hi Everyone

Trying to retrofit some code from good old Xe into E1 900 8.98.2. I have a Fix / Inspect form with a button that calls a NER BSFN. This NER BSFN has a call to a Message Box form. Works fine under Xe but with E1 the call to the Message Box form is never made. Any ideas, anyone?


Is the BSFN calling a windows message box form or another E1 Application that contains the message form (via form interconnect)?
Thanks for looking, Scott. It's an E1 application that I am trying to call. I have since spoken to an ex colleague who thinks this type of functionality may have stopped working at release 8.9. This is going to cause me a pretty major problem.
If the NER needs to call an interactive app, just set it as Client Only. That will create an "interpretive NER" that performs the form interconnect in the web environments.
Thanks. I was working on NER calling an application. When I compiled using Client Only it worked. Wow. Was wondering why was getting issue until I found this and one more similar thread.
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