Double Take Replication Software


I was wondering if anyone had used NSI's Double Take solution as a Disaster Recovery / Failover solution for OneWorld? We are currently putting in a DR solution and looking at Double Take to do the replication. Using a Demo version and the software appears to work well, just wondering if there are any got gotchas that I might be missing. Thanks.

I have install Double Take to have a Disaster Recovery Plan on JDE. It work fine, you need to install JDE and your database on your DR Entreprise Server and then, copy your JDEdwards directory from the actual server to the recovery server, create the JDE services (but not start the service !!).

Be carreful to create a new logical server with the first name of your recovery server. Because, if the recovery server take the name of the main server, the JDE services always start with the original name of the recovery server, so you will able to connect on JDE but not see the Submitted Job (the host stay with the name of the original name of the recovery server).

Then, you use Double take to synchronize your JDE file and database file (with checksum).

Be carrefull, because Double Consume a large quantity of disk I/O.

Sorry for my poor english,

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