Does anybody have Xe SP20_D1 OneOff for INTEL?


Does anybody have Xe SP20_D1 OneOff for INTEL machines to provide for me? Have a client that wants to add a new Intel machine but doesn´t want to move to a new SP level nor to migrate do a new product. They want to stay at this release level till 06/30/2019 heehehe, or while they don't get a new issue.
Don´t laugh at me :)
Thanks a lot.
I believe that for specific purposes, you can ask JDE to create a "custom download" specifically for your customer ID.

If, however, you already have an Intel machine on your network - then just copy the \JDEdwardsOneworld\ddp\ directory across and follow the installation instructions from there.

This, by the way, is why I ensure I have my customers download every platform type for a specific Service Pack which they plan to install - just in case they want to add a platform.
Sorry, I have SP20K1. However, you can simply install the new server, then copy the system directory from an existing server over the one that the installer makes for you. (Make sure you back up your jde.ini in the system\bin32 directory before you do, then either restore it or otherwise modify the new one to make it work for you).
One thing I forgot to mention: they just don't have an Intel Server running at this time. Their installation is based um HP-Unix platform, so I cannot copy system directory between machines.

Thanks for your answers.
ah - so they're adding a new install.

Well, unfortunately Oracle comes down really hard on people on the list distributing their software - but you should be able to get your SP release from Oracle with some phone calls and prayers.
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