Display decimal change


Hi List,

We use the whole Distribution Module for over three years. We launched the system with the default display decimal setting - zero - for data dictionary item QNTY. Therefore we must use unnatural unit of measures, which make us lots of trouble. We are thinking about changing the display decimals from 0 to 2. Can anyone suggest something about it?


OneWorld Xe (Release B7333, SP17, Rev.Num.2)
Oracle 8.1.7
Hi Jozsef!
If you follow JDE recomendations (check the KG for a white paper on this ott-01-0015) on how to change the quantity group display decimals then it should be OK. I have done this a number of times at clients both pre-live and fully live wthout major issue.

Also, have a look in the archives of this site - I seem to recall this being discussed before.

Best regards

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