Deployment server 2000 --> 2003 question


Well Known Member
Hello all,

I'm in the process of doing the planning of upgrading our Windows 2000 based deployment server to 2003. I've done this procedure 5 or 6 times in my career primary between NT and 2k boxes. This time I'm moving to 2003 and based on the document OTI 990057 "Changing out a deployment server" during the step where I restore the original registry, there's a step I have qualms about.

During the restore of \HKey_localMachine\software\ODBC tree there are two things that bother me.

1) The references to \WINNT that I will need to change to \WINDOWS (as per 2003). I can do this via editing the exported registry file I suppose.

2) The references in the ODBC section for the drivers


SQL server
oracle etc

I'm afraid if I use the same dll's, they may not exist on the windows 2003 server, or be unregistered, etc etc. Again need to edit the path as well.

I'm sure I'm late to the party on this one.. has anyone else given this a whirl, or have any specific recommendations?

I contacted Oracle and they sounded confused by the question.



In case my sig is out of date: 8.9.4.L.1, mixed web and windows, 2000 deployment server.

In my humble opinion, I'd rather go installing
Deployment OS from scratch; wouldn't like to deal
with incompatible DLLs between W2000 and W2003.

You have to backup the following : the JDE share,
ODBC entries under HKLM/Software/ODBC/ODBC.INI
and c:\winnt\jde.ini

If you're on 8.9 or later, it's also convenient to
backup all of the databases on the local instance JDELOCAL.

Then, you install W2003 SP1 on your new deployment,
C++, Adobe, your DBMS client, restore your ODBCs
and run Deployment Setup (just CD#1).

If you're on 8.9, you restore all of your JDELOCAL
MSDE databases.

ESUs registry entries can be recreated by re-running
their SETUP.EXEs on the new Deployment.

Finally, you restore the JDE share from backup and
c:\winnt\jde.ini on c:\windows.

In most cases, you'll have to generate new SPC codes
for your Deployment and Fats.

Hi Sebastian

Thanks for your advice. To clarify I will be installing 2003 from scratch as upgrading M$ operating sytems still seems a bit sketchy, I was just thinking about the ODBC's from a restored registry key not matching the actual dll names in 2003.

I didn't know that the setup.exe triggered the registry update.. that's good advice. I looked at those entries and i'm ok with restoring them as they are just drive letter and directory entries.

Thanks again.

I did w2k->w2003 migration just a few weeks ago, I would also strongly recommend to install Windows Server from scratch and then install all software and run deployment setup CD1.

Make sure that the old system accept SPC generator codes (JD12367) otherwise you will have to call oracle because you will need certainly need new SPC code.

Instead of rerunning all ESUs just import one registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JDEdwards\OneWorldWindowsInstaller\Install.ini. –export it on the old system before migration and you are done.
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