Default web-menu. How to change/add anything?




Does anyone knows how could menu items for Web menu be removed, changed, added? I mean these -Submit Job, -View Job Status, -My System Options, -Work with Item Manager, -Help items that appear when starting web client.

We have JDE E812, Tools Release 8.96.10


Are you wanting to remove buttons/actions or are you wondering how they were

Not knowing the whole question - I can only provide a partial answer....


In the OWWEB section of the JAS.ini file you can set ShowSubmitJobs = TRUE or FALSE. If set to TRUE the "Submit Jobs" link is displayed and if set to FALSE, it is not displayed. Also in the same section of JAS.ini file you can specify which application to open for work center. The setting workcenter=WorkCenter or ItemManager. If value is set to WorkCenter than the link will open P012503_W012503F. If value is set to ItemManager then the link will open P012502_W012502A. This information is in the "EnterpriseOne Tools 8.96 HTML Web Server Installation" guide.
-Submit Job, -View Job Status, -My System Options, -Work with Item Manager, -Help

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I don't think that you can remove those buttons. Those are system defaults and not controlled through the security workbench.


Are you wanting to remove buttons/actions or are you wondering how they were removed? Not knowing the whole question - I can only provide a partial answer....Security?

[/ QUOTE ]

Hi Daniel,

I wanted to know how to remove them and how to add new items to this "default list".

Yes, the question is partially in security, but security problems are covered by denying access to the appropriate programs called by these links. It just looks very weird for the end-user to see security error message while running a task. The usual question is "Why don't you remove it at all?".

Besides it would be great if one would be able to add some other common choices to the default web menu - for example, we use our own custom pdf-report browser and it would be nice to see it in the menu.

As I understood from other answers these items are hardcoded but can be removed by changing jas.ini file. Though it's not possible to remove say "Submit job" and leave say "View job status".

You want to change the menu links - or change the buttons that run E1?

Task Menus can be hidden and/or assigned to specific roles... You can
create/delete/hide them as necesary. I don't have the docs handy - but it
is routine 'not to use' out of th box task menus for a live operation.


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