Data Dictionary Change - JAS, 2 Path Codes Correct, 1 Path Code Not


Well Known Member
Hi All,

We made a data dictionary change, actually a Glossary Change using Application P92002.

Upon deleting the Data Dict Specs and Global Table Specs from the FAT, this change was JITI'ed down and correctly reflected on the FAT client.

On the JAS, a Gen was run (across all Path Codes) for the affected DD Alias, and the service restarted. Upon doing this, the change was also correctly reflected on the JAS, across all Path Codes.

Upon further review we decided to reverse our changes, and repeated the above steps again. However, now there's a problem.

On FAT Client, change has been reflected.
On JAS, change has been reflected in DV and PY Path Codes, but not in the PD Path Codes.

We have tried the following:
1) Rebuild - Apps P4310 (which uses DD Object in question) and DD object. Restart service
2) Full JAS build and restart service
3) Ran R92TAM and R92CRTGL from fat client (in PD), than full JAS build. Restart service.

No luck, any thoughts?
You have to do everything in the right order or else your changes do not show up for the web client.

- Ensure gen machine has current tam files with dd changes & new glbltbls (along with new pkg).
- Generate core objects first
- Generate DD items in question
- Generate all Tables
- Generate all BSVWs, not sure about NERs (but they don’t take much time)
- Get Developer to use xref to find all APPLs that use those DD OR have Developer give you list to append to bulk gen file

Hope this helps.

Xe SP23J1 iSeries V5R3 Coexistent
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