
Active Member
I have modified the Custom UBE, added few fields.
When I run it in FAT Client, the output comes perfectly but when I run it in DV/PY web Client it is coming blank.
I thought it may be promotional issue but cnc guy saying there is no promotional issue.

Is there any way to troubleshoot this issue?

Did you "submit version specs only" to the enterprise server prior to running the UBE?
Yes cnc team deployed the project in DV/PY environment still issue is there.
When you say it's coming back blank, do you mean it's saying "no data selected"?
I thought the same, but he did state that it runs successfully on windows (fat) client.
Check if the data selection is happening correctly on server maybe on version you are running on server. I would also compare debug log if its working correctly on Fat client.

Thanks for quick reply.
Yes, it is showing no data selected, but I am running with proper data selection still coming blank output and in dv local fat client working correctly.

When you say it's coming back blank, do you mean it's saying "no data selected"?
Ok, so if you're running the UBE in the same environment it's not data related. Have you checked that the Business View and PO Template (if there is one) were deployed properly too?

Also, are you logging in with the same Username on the Fat Client and Web Client? (just to discount security)
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Do you have any less than or equal to blank type statements anyway?

I notice here with me that my web platform treats null/less than or equal blank differently to how it does when run locally. No idea why
To me it looks more like a spec or data selection issue. I would compare the debug of one running correct with the one running blank. Check the Select statement generated which can give you clue if that's spec issue or selection.

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