Connection Failed to New Server on Deployment server



We created a new server Windows 2008 64 bit with new database SQL 2008. Since yesteday on the deployment server I had no problem to connect to this new server, but now I recieve the box to enter the password of "JDE" all the time and I have to kill the activeConsole.exe. We have only one ODBC connection to each server.

What am I did wrong or where can I check the user settings in Planner?

Hi Luc,

Please, check that JDE's login is not disabled on
SQL Server.
Is there any message on your Deployment jde.log?


I had a similar problem, after doing a new install (same box DB and Enterprise server), I did not enable the security server on the ES. When I logged on the deployment server with JDE/jde on the planner it works, but on the DEP env it gave me that same error as you. The problem was that the pass is case sensitive
after I upper case it the login was successful.

I don't know if this is you situation but this is a form so we are sharing info.

Hi Sebastian,

Happy to talk to you again.

My problem here is only with the deployment server, both login DEP900 or JDEPLAN. If I connect through a workstation, I can communicate without any issue.

My JDE account in DB is enable. No message in jde.log

Very weird problem!
Hello AlexRO,

The connection worked fine monday. The problem started tuesday. For exemple, I cannot start a full package to this new server.

Edit your c:\windows\jde.ini file on the Deployment Server?
Is SecurityServer set to blank or to some server?
On the Deployment Server should be left to blank

I resolve this issue. I recreated all Database Data Source linked to the new server in Planner - 900. Bingo, I can launch a nw full package.

Thanks to all!
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