Configure Server Manager for fail over


VIP Member

I was wondering if anyone had configured Server Manager for fail over? We ran into an interesting issue over the weekend, where we needed to deploy a BSSV package, but the system that Server Manager is installed on hung, as we could not reboot it remotely. Has anyone configured Server Manager pon multiple systems and used a load balancer to facilitate fail over? Is there a better option for this type of configuration?

Failover only occurs if you "drop the heart beat" and if the server is hung it likely still has a heartbeat so failover likely won;t happen.

It's easy enough to configure 2 Server Manager consoles and then simply update the .xml file on the agent to point to either console.
Like anything web related you can point this at a hardware load balancer and balance between virtual hosts but really do you want to?

I think the real issue here is being able to remotely restart a server or a service.

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