E9.2 COMPOSITE PAGES MENU : right click mouse to prompt processing option value


HI all .
In "traditional E92 Menu" it's possible to right click mouse to prompt processing option value.
That feature is available on composite pages?
(...All users ask me for this thing ...)
i supposed the answer is no?
That's correct, there is no right click mouse option to prompt for values/version like you have on the Navigator menu.
However, that's a GREAT enhancement idea, and I strongly encourage you to submit this as an enhancement request on the Quest user group website.
I just search the Quest Enhancement Tool and didn't find anything towards that (i am VERY sure that Don did the same, but anyway!) - and as Don said that would be a great Enhancement Request! If you want, i can open that one for you as well.
Old pages did that, not sure if we can create these or not

Calling a UBE​

runE1UBE('report_name') - this calls up the report in the batch version screen and user can then select which version to run.
runE1UBEBlind('report_name','COB0001','0') - this runs the selected version, skips data selection and processing options and goes straight to the Printer Selection screen.
runE1UBE('report_name','promptForDS','report_version','0') - this runs the selected version, and presents the data selection screen but skips processing options.
runE1UBE('report_name','promptForDS','report_version','1') - this runs the selected version, and presents both the data selection and processing option screens.

Launch a Report – Prompt for Version (call the BV selection screen)​

runE1UBEVersion(ubeId, version, promptPO)


Launch a Report – Without Prompting for Version​

runE1UBEBlind(ubeId, version, promptPO)


Launch an UBE with prompt for DS and PO​

runE1UBE('R04305', 'promptForDS', 'ZJDE0001', '1')

@L:|reportId=R5604570|version=GTS2400004:Create Payment Group Co 240 CZK:runE1UBE('R5604570','promptForDS', 'GTS2400004','1')

Launch an UBE with prompt for DS but no PO​

runE1UBE('R04305', 'promptForDS', 'ZJDE0001', '0')
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thank you all.

it's ok to open an enhacement request (if it is for free ).

I dont know how to do this so if you want to proceed it's ok.

probably it will come if a next release it will come..

(it wil not happen so fast i think ?)

Thanks in advance
I'm registered and log on quest but i don't know... i can't find the way to do that. If you want you can do it instead of me...
le t me know thanks in advanced
Once you've logged in, join a group (like the E1 Tech SIG). Click on the link for that group. At the bottom of the About box, you will see a link titled ">VIEW THE QUEST ENHANCEMENT TOOL". Click this link to view, enter, and rank enhancement requests.
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