Compiling on entreprise server



Reputable Poster
A strange problem for me ( a developper) but i hope a trivial for an administrator :
One of my client have do something, i don't know what but when i try to compile a bsfn on the entreprise server (AIX 5), it fail with a messange like sh: cc: file not find.
I try whith a bsfn successfuly packaged in november and i get the same message.
Could anyone help us ?
They either have no C compiler installed (or it was removed) or it could simply be missing from the path. Perhaps someone changed the jde account's .profile or owenv file in the system/bin32 directory? You can check for the existence of software packages on AIX by logging into the server and using lslpp:

lslpp -l | grep -i visualage

For IBM C 6.0, you'd see output like so:

vacpp.cmp.rte COMMITTED VisualAge C++ Compiler COMMITTED VisualAge Tools HTML Help COMMITTED VisualAge Tools HTML Help

Also, IBM C is typically located in the following directory:


Login to the server and enter "cc". If everything is working properly you should see output such as:

C for AIX Compiler, Version 6

xlc [ option | inputfile ]...
cc [ option | inputfile ]...
c89 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc128 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc128 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...

If it is not, check the directory mentioned earlier and ask the sysadmin to look for the XLC package.
Thanks for the answer.
I have already try the command CC and it work fine when i log in with the psft profile.
Where are locted the paramter to indicate wich compiler to use ?
I believe it is compiled into the builddll program.

Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the error message. It could be that cc is not finding the file, which could mean you are missing the package directory (possibly an update package is being built but the full package is no longer there?) I'd try a full package and see how it goes...

You need to make sure the process owner is the same as the user account you used when you logged in. If it is, type "which cc" and determine that you are indeed pointing to the correct cc. If it seems correct, it should work when executing a package build for a business function. I'd recommend (for lack of anything better) that at the next most convenient time, services are shutdown using the script and brought back up again.
I check all your suggestion and everynthing seems to be rigth.
I got the command line where is cc :
cc -qalign=natural -qflag=w:w -c -O2 -DKERNEL -DPRODUCTION_VERSION -DNATURAL_ALIGNMENT -I/peoplesoft/e810/packages/PRDFAU08/include/ -I/peoplesoft/e810/packages/PRDFA/include/ -I/peoplesoft/e810/system/include -I/peoplesoft/e810/system/includev jdeapp.c -o /peoplesoft/e810/packages/PRDFAU08/obj/CALLBSFN/jdeapp.o
When i use it with Telnet, it goes but seems to failed with JDE.
Any Idea ?
Hello Serge Viardot,

As this is working with TELNET and failing with JDE, the most possible reason is due to profile of JDE.

Can you attach .profile of JDE user for verification.

In AIX the path of your 'C' Compiler shd be mentioned in JDE .profile to compile BSFN.

.profile is located in /home/JDE folder on server.

[PS: On which Release of JDEDWARDS you are working]
I send the two profile : one for the development server ( with no name indicated) where the compilation works and the second for the entreprise server AIXA wich doesn't compile.

E1 8.10 on AIX


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It's working now

We just switch the server off and restart him (not only the service as we've done previously) ad it's work.
OW have some kind of magic ?
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