Collaborate 2013 postings???



Legendary Poster
Wow! I don't think I've seen a single JDEList posting about the Collaborate 2013 conference yet. While John Schiff beat out Clayton Sealey in the JDE installation challenge, there were some other announcements that the JDE community may be interested in.

Tools Release 9.1.3 was announced as generally available (yes, I just downloaded it today), and includes support for a new native iPad app for JDE.

Oracle also announced that they would be waiving the uplift fees for customers on E1 versions 9.0 and 9.1 for the three years that these would be on extended support. This gives customers three more years on these versions with "essentially" premiere support.

I went to several interesting sessions on E1 Pages, and a few great developer sessions by Dan Bohner. The "E1 Labs" session was also very interesting -- maybe next year Quest will give this session double the space, which it certainly deserves and needs.

And we even got to enjoy the "snowless blizzard"!

Next year's conference is set for April 7 - 11 at the Venetian in Las Vegas.
Saweet Collaborate 13 - RIP =D

Don S - Thanks for the kind compliments! Hopefully the attendees actually learned something about their toolset.

As promised, the slide decks are now live on the JDEResearch Site:

For those that did attend my sessions - feel free to ping me, on or offlist.
- Can you tell that Dynamic Lists are something I'm feeling dear to my heart as a Future for Reporting?
- Would it be helpful if I created YouTube Videos of the Demos?
- Let me know what you want to see, next year, in the event that Quest honors me and allows me to present, again...

I had a great time at Collaborate 13 and am looking forward to Vega$Baby!

I didn't go, but did receive a Quest Email highlighting the following quote from Mark Hurd's Speech:

"We do not want to be hard to work with. We don't sit in a room and strategize about how we can be harder to work with."

It was amusing quote if you've ever been involved with the licensing and contracts side of Oracle. Particularly since A) Oracle IS very hard to deal with; and B) I'm pretty sure they (Oracle contracts and licensing) have sat down in a room many times and gamed (strategized) all the possible scenarios in order to maximize Oracle's revenue even at the expense of customer good will.
Anyone know how to get to the list of presentations on the Quest website from Collaborate this year (many thanks, Dan, for posting yours)
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