Closing old open Purchase Orders


Active Member
Hi all,

Some of our users have been placing POs that for one reason or another were never receipted (e.g. for a service). The suppliers were paid from the invoice using Speed Voucher Entry. So we have a growing list of open POs that will otherwise sit there forever.

I am working on processes to stop this in future, but my question is how to deal with the open orders, i.e. how do I correctly close them?

OW B7334;SP22;Win2K3;SQL2K
Hi! Why not to manually change last+next statuses for PO lines from P4310? As for me - the better way for such outdated orders

Kind regards
Thanks for your reply Kirill.

This will still leave an amount in the 'quantity to receive' though, so is still a liability..?
If there is no receipt for the line, you could cancel them line by line.
If there are partial receipts, you could only cancel the line by selecting the receipt option 9.
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