Client pkg build and RDASPEC


VIP Member
Hi. I'm trying to do a full client package build. There is a warning message in build report. It is complaining about RDASPEC. The number of TAM records is different than the number of TAM records that it's trying to add. It says that it's due to either NULL or duplicate records.

The error says:
WARNING: Number of TAM records added does not equal number of RDB records read for "RDASPEC.".
The cause might be from duplicate or NULL records in database that were not counted.

We have central objects on SQL Server. There is no duplicate records in F98761. There are lots of records with blank object names because these records are for versions.

Exactly what does this message mean? Is it something that I should be concern about?


C Ho

Intermediate Programmer/Analyst
Dundee Realty
B7322 SP 12.4
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