Citrix Installation guidance and best practices for OW


I am about to install Citrix XPe SP2 FR3 on a Dell Poweredge 6400, 4
processors, 4 GB memory on Windows 2000 SP2.machine.
I want to know any issues related to OW Xe B7333 SP 22 with Citrix XPe SP2
I also need any help documents for installation of Citrix (best practices),
OW client installation on Citrix, setting up profiles on Citrix, drive
mappings of Citrix etc, any issues.
Does anyone can point me to websites or send me documents of above mentioned
subjects? I will be very thankful.
Beside this I want to know that we will use 25 remote users for OW, and 10
remote users on the same citrix server for other application, does this will
degrade the performance of OW? We have Dell Power edge 6400, 2 processors, 4
GB memory on Windows 2000 SP2 for Citrix.
We are using
OW XE B7333 SP 22
SQL Server 2000 SP 2
Windows 2000 SP 2
Here is my contribution:

- Deploy full DD and GLB builds to the terminal server (ott-01-0091) My preference is to re-copy the DD and GLB from the Deployment Server to the Terminal Server on every reboot using the AUTOEXNT service in the resource kit.
- Reboot the terminal servers regularly. If your environment allows, do this nightly.
- All users should have a Home Directory (TSHome is optional). Also all users should have a roaming TSProfile. Even if you only have one Terminal Server, this will provide you with a backup of the user profiles if this server fails for any reason.
- The %windir%\jde.ini should re-point the following to the users Home Directory: [Debug]DebugFile, [Debug]JobFile, [MailMerge]FileLocation and [NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS]OutputDirectory.
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