Check Run process generated an additional batch with duplicate Payment Numbers


There were 2 'K' batches generated after the check run. The first one had 187 documents and the other had 67. The 67 in the second batch were duplicates of the first with the same Payment numbers.

Has anyone seen this problem before? If so how do you resolve this.

Hello Sunanda,
I have faced same problem.Most of the times it happens either when 2 people are simultaneosly processing payment or this can happen due to connectivity issue also.
If you see carefully system must have created 2 different batches for this duplication.
So the batch which you Dont require can be deleted by SQL from F0911 (If it is updated then no need to delete from F0911) & from F0413 & F0414 also.
But situation will be difficult if it has same batch number which won't be there in 99% cases.
One more thing you can try is you can see if you can void this payment entries from front end.

Try & let me know.

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