change Document Name in Queue


I'm sending a spool file through Create!stream builder V3, with Destination being a cstream defind printer queue. I want to control the name of the document on the printer queue. I tried using %cpfilename in the JTT but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions??
Hello, to control the file name on the destination printer after processing through stream you can use the following method. In the send node properties under the Destination property you can control the file name. If you do not specify a file name then a random string will be used.
Hi, I know I can set the filename for a Directory destination but I can't seem to do it for a Queue destination
I know you can do it in Create!director v6 (Cdirector has elements called "nodes", Cstream does not have this type of logic structure).

I think it can be done in Create!stream v3 but I'll have to take a look to be sure. I'll look at it tomorrow and update this post with what I find.

Re: Change Document Name in Queue

What versions of CformServer are you running? Where do your print jobs come from (EnterpriseOne PDF's or JDE World spool files)?

On your CformServer (where Cstream Builder & Server are installed), in the main install folder for Create!form (i.e. C:\Program Files\Create!form) do you have a file HeaderParams.cfg? If yes, open it with a text editor and see if the parameter %cpFileName: is enabled or disabled. I'm hoping it's as simple as enabling that parameter to get this to work. You'll probably need to stop & start CstreamServer & Builder if you have it open.

You might try asking Bottomline tech support but my guess is that they would want you to move to Cdirector. It replaces Cstream and this functionality works but there is not easy upgrade path to move Cstream scripts to Cdirector projects.

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