Change Assistant Question


VIP Member
I've downloaded the Change Assistant. It's pretty cool. Is there a way to easily create a spreadsheet of the ESU/SAR/OBJECT with descriptions for a given query? It looks like you can only export Objects by Sars detail for one ESU at a time and the detail doesn't include the ESU name.


However, if you ever create a spreadsheet like that for all of the objects, I'll buy you dinner for a copy !

You can only export the list to Excel - ie, ESU number, date etc etc - but not the detail from what I can see.
You can get at the detail (right mouse click) but it doesn't include the ESU number and you can only export one ESU at a time. I'm working on a spread sheet now to merge all this data but I'm only doing it for AR,AP,GL,FA,AB modules and purchasing for ESU with a date range starting at 6/18/04. I've upgraded with the remastered CD for E8.10 which includes update 0. I had started to retrofit when I came across a JDELIST post saying E8.10 had 2250 ESU! I thought it best to put a hold on retrofitting until I could review all these ESU and which ones we need to apply. I'll shoot you a copy when I'm done. Dinner...not necessary. See you in Dallas?

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