Can I use Visual C++ .Net 2003 Standard Edition for 8.11?



VIP Member
I found out you can purchase Visual Studio C++ . NET 2003 Standard Edition separate from the full blown version.

Will this work with 8.11? For OneWorld Xe all we did was purchase the Visual Studio 6.0 C++ Professional version and not the full blown Visual Studio version.

From Oracle, "Visual Studio C++ . NET 2003 Standard Edition was not available for purchase before but it should work. E1 only uses the C++ .NET and Visual Studio SDKs component under Enterprise Development Tools, make sure Visual Studio C++ . NET 2003 Standard Edition has both"

Notice they mention it 'should' work. Anyone using the just the C++ component of .NET 2003 for 8.11 installs?

Thanks, Grant.
I believe it requires professional edition since microsoft
VS C++ standard editions cant make distributable
executables. Or atleast previous versions of standard
edition did not work this way.

Though .NET 2003 professional works fine with very little
effort or configuration.

Stick with professional edition.
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