E9.1 Calculate Work Day


Active Member
I need to calculate Work Day for previous # of the day.
I am using B0000150 by passing in the MCU, the date for calculation, #of day to add for going backward and 3 for go back ward for the Work Day Rule. This is not working. Does anybody know how to calculate the work day? Is there any other bsfn I should use?
Thanks to share your experience.
E1 910 TR
I searched and came across this thread was testing this BSFN B3100300 said above, but this didn't work until I opened the BSFN code and realized that we should always have blank value for shift code otherwise this wont work. Because whatever you give shift code in the input, the BSFN has hardcoded the value to be blank.
Apparently there is no input on shift code, the value on the table should be blank else you will get an error. but then you can add shift code to the input by copying and editing the BSFN.
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