Buttons Missing on Web Client


Reputable Poster
What is the reason the buttons go missing on the applications (for eg. FIND, ADD etc buttons on the addr book application not showing)?

Has anyone seen this issue before? if so, how did you fix it?

any help appreciated.
You might want to try and re-install IE7 -- that fixed several web client problems (including this one, I believe) for us.
I have had this happen several times on my DEV web server, ther is actually a document on the KG about it.

You can review these
200987166 - E1: JAS: Missing Buttons on Forms (WEB only)
200990587 - E1: FDA: Find and Cancel Buttons Missing in All Applications For Web Client
201036776 - E1: JAS: FIND button missing in all web applications
thanks for the quick response.

We looked thru the documents and i believe our CNC has tried all of it.

Our problem is environment specific - happens to just one newly created environment which shares the same pathcode as PY but has its own database. JPY acts normal but JNEW doesnot show the buttons on any application.

will let u all know when we find a fix to this

This is often a symptom of a failure while creating the remote environment (callobject session). Check the logs for the callobject kernel on the enterprise server for errors.
We also had issues with IE7, but it revolved around cache. We cleared the local cache, closed IE and then opened it up again and it worked.

Very frustrating until we figured out the little steps that were required.
issue closed.

Apparently our CNC found out that the "problem" environment did not have the server mapping complete. They worked on the server map and it solved the problem.

thought i had sent out an update on this issue to the jdelist but i had not.

however, thanks for all your help.

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