Backing Up Developers' Workstations



Well Known Member
Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

I about had a panic attack last week when one of my developers experienced what appeared to be a hard drive crash. Many objects, representing several important software projects, were checked out on that machine.

I was able to revive it with the old faithful chkdsk, but it made me realize that we are exposed in the event of a hardware failure.

What needs to be backed up on a developer workstation, and how would I restore checked-out objects to a newly-installed PC?

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Re: Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

Why not just have the developers check objects in daily? You can write an automated report that can be sent to a developer to indicate what objects they have/had checked out. Just schedule the report to run at 5 am every morning. I know of course you'll ask "well what if they don't"? Well then you just have to spank them.

You can also use commercial backup software to backup the spec, include and source directories for the pathcode they are working in.

Putting an actual device on workstations usually proves to be too expensive and an admin headache.

Re: Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

I'd never develop anything in JDE without using both the Save location and checking any affected objects in for exactly this reason.
Re: Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

A bit more info, just to be clear. Once the object is checked-in, all I have to do is check it out into my OMW project from another machine. Just make sure it's checked back in once you're done, so you can access the object from any client machine.
Re: Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

"Check in early and often" is my advice. This has applied to every development environment I have worked with, not just OneWorld. Both periodic check-in and save locations are available options. Developers who don't use them are at fault. A proper database backup scheme will take care of Central Objects. Please remember that you must also backup the path code on the deployment server. This is absolutely required if your developers are creating new business functions or modifying existing one. Each path code also known as the "check in location" will contain the C source and header files. These are NOT stored in Central Objects within your database.
RE: Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

You should have your Developers use DVSAVE - often during the day - and
never leave objects checked out over night to a PC.

Joy Fernandez, JDE CNC & System Administrator
Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc.
[email protected]

Joy Fernandez, JDE CNC & System Administrator
Xe - Update 7 - SP22_I1 - Oracle 9i - Citrix
[email protected]
Re: Backing Up Developers\' Workstations

Backup the entire path. ...\B7\DV7333
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