Applying SP21 and one off


Well Known Member
Do I need to apply SP21 first and then apply the one off (which is up to Q now)? Or do I just apply SP21_Q1 and be done with it.

Yes, you need to apply SP21 then the latest oneoff. They are separate entities.

What JDE recommends is applying SP21 and making sure you can start the enterprise server and verify porttest. After that is ok, install the oneoff.

Have you applied SP21? I found some things that it broke, uh, I mean
enhanced, and there are ESUs for it. Should I build and deploy SP21 and
then should I build and deploy for the ESUs? A consultant did the last one
and there are no notes as to how to do it.


Stephanie Strohmenger
William Grant & Sons, Inc
Edison, NJ
Re: RE: Applying SP21 and one off

Yes, we applied SP21, oneoff F1, and SPX_005 back in March. I just got done putting down SP22, Oneoff F1. I think what I did is find all the ESUs for those 'enhancements' and apply those first. Deploy these to the clients and test. Should still work because these are applications and not really dependent on the SP level for the most part. After that, do the SP install/Oneoff install and deploy.

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