AP Voucher Cannot be Modified


We have a voucher in AP system A92 that we cannot change or delete. Ther are about 50 vouchers in the batch, but, this is the only one with a problem. Any ideas? What files hold the voucher records and the header records for tem?
If you can't modify or delete the voucher, chances are it has been posted. If this is the case, you should be able to void it. The F0411 acts as header and detail on the AP side and the F0911 are the details on the G/L side. Another reason you may not be able to delete the voucher is that it may be a "matched" voucher. You may need to delete or modify it through the matched voucher application. The exact error message should tell you what the issue is.
Another reason the voucher can't be deleted or modified is if there is a payment against it. (F0413, F0414)
Check in the supplier ledger ,if the voucher having any open amount or not ..if the Voucher amount is Zero then Voucher might have matched ..
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